The mountain-god Tmolos at Tmolus-Aureliopolis
Los 1450
LYDIA. Tmolus-Aureliopolis. Commodus, 177-192. Tetrassarion (Orichalcum, 30 mm, 16.98 g, 6 h), Apollonides, strategos, circa 184-190. AY•K•M•AYP• KOMMOΔOC Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Commodus to right, seen from behind. Rev. AΠΟΛΛΩNIΔΗC•CTPA•ANЄΘ• // AYPHΛIO/ΠΟΛЄI On the left, the bearded mountain-god Tmolos standing right, carrying vine-branch with grapes over his left shoulder and placing a wreath on the turreted city-goddess seated to right on the right, holding cista mystica on her left knee. BMC 5 corr. = RPC IV online 1579 corr. (same dies, but reverse legend misread due to the poor condition of the BM coin). Of the highest rarity, apparently the second and by far the best known example. A well struck and attractive coin with a very interesting reverse. Somewhat smoothed and repatinated, otherwise, good very fine.

Ex Leu 4, 25 May 2019, 444.

The phrase ANЄΘ(HKE) on the reverse indicates that this issue was paid for by the strategos Apollonides at his own expenses, perhaps on the occasion of local festivities
500 CHF
400 CHF
1300 CHF
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